Bisons Win

"Bricked" Bisons Overcum Socks

Just like a bunch of horned up teenagers, the Bisons blasted thru a bunch of socks like it was nothing.

In a relatively easy game 6, yes game 6, the first one in GHBL history, the Bisons edged out the Sock Puppets 5-2, after blowing their load in the 4th and 5th to put them ahead for good.

Our Services


If you have anything underbricked, we have you covered.

Emergency Services

If you're in a tight spot, don't worry! Our team is fearless even in the worst emergencies.


It doesn't matter what service you need covered, whether it's from the front, the rear, at Henning or in Ireland, we'll get the job done.

We tried flooding the field and pulling the wires out of the lights and we still couldn't beat them



Before I add a bunch of other crap to the website so we can remember this forever, I'm sure you all probably noticed our victory didn't really get followed up by a typical Shane speech.

I wanted to take my time with this one. Partly because everything was wrapped up and I could, partly because I wanted to make sure I left no stone unturned.

Well, what can we say? We trusted the process. We trusted each other and we pulled it off.

THAT'S how you win, and what winners do.

For once, we can say the job IS done.

The growth I saw from every individual this year has been incredible. Some other things I didn't point out in my Facebook cover photo: I don't think we ran out an identical defense two straight games all playoffs. 10 out of our 14 players pitched at least an inning, 9 during the final series.

Not even counting the attendance issues. We went down 2 games to none. We showed up to game 3 with two guys showing up right at game time, 9 total guys, almost needing a call-up, and we said fuck it, why not try and do this shit? And came out and scored 12.

Still down 2-1. Fuck it, why not play the grittiest 9 inning game ever, forcing a game 6?

Kick us as much as you want, bend us as much as you want, but can't break us.

Every person on this team had a moment during the playoff run. Hell, even I had a 6 rbi night against the Bullfrogs.

You only accomplish all that by playing fearless, letting the game come to you, slowing it down and finding a way.

This is still probably one of my shorter speeches, but if I hyper-fixate on every little success and every little thing I saw from each of you I'll be going on till February. I saw it all. I saw every moment you guys made a mental change, I saw every guy boldly put themselves out there and say "I got this."

There wasn't a single doubt in anyone's minds that we could make the comeback. Any time the mentality started slipping, any time it felt too hard, I saw guys make that switch in their brain and shut it back up. There wasn't any doubts in any moves I had to make, I didn't feel the need to deeply explain any decisions.

For someone who spent the last couple years dealing with severe confidence issues, this year was extremely healing in general, but those playoffs brought it to a level I wasn't sure I'd ever feel again. I feel ready to get after this offseason and see what I can personally unlock within myself.

Well boys, the dominoes were set for a while, but the first domino just fell, and I can't wait to watch the rest tumble over.


"And after all these years, I realize now -

The ice was never meant to be in the cooler...

But in the veins"

- James Fraser

Hitting Stats
Pitching Stats

Frequently Asked Questions

First of all, how dare you

Do you provide services to adults that need to grow up?

Can you guys stop?

Will I just want to take my ball and go home after facing the Bisons?

Do you have a turnaround time?

Do we need to wear protection?